HR Reference Guide


As of July 1, 2021, some State employees are covered under Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), see the Division of Human Resource Management, Labor Relations Unit page for more information.  If you are in a job classification currently covered under a CBA, some of the terms and benefits of your employment may be different than the provisions outlined on this page. Please consult your CBA or agency's human resource for further information.


There are two types of classification studies conducted by the Division of Human Resource Management, individual and class specification maintenance review.  Individual studies are conducted in response to requests for classification of new positions or reclassification of an existing position to a different level in the current class series or to a different class.

Click on below headings for more information on this topic


Reclassification of an existing position through the individual study process requires the presence of significant change. 

An agency needs to notify the Governor's Office of Finance if it makes or anticipates making a significant change in the duties of a position or anticipates a reorganization which will require the reclassification of an existing position. New duties should not be assigned to an employee until funding is approved.  If the Governor's Office of Finance denies funding, the Division of Human Resource Management will review the position to determine whether or not the position has experienced significant change, and if so, identify any higher-level duties that may need to be removed so that the current classification remains appropriate.

The individual study process begins with the submission of a Position Questionnaire (NPD-19).  It is recommended that an agency's HR staff be contacted regarding the agency's protocol for submission.  If an NPD-19 is submitted without an appointing authority's knowledge and/or approval, the Division of Human Resource Management will send a copy to the appointing authority for any comment and verification of the accuracy of the description of the duties and related information.


Occupational group (class specification maintenance review) study results are subject to the approval of the Human Resource Commission.  As class specifications are revised, they are presented to the Commission and implemented immediately upon approval.  The class specification maintenance review process is intended to update duty statements, review class concepts, and ensure the validity of the minimum qualifications.  A review is not intended to act as a review of the grade level for the class.  A request for grade realignment of an existing class must be presented during the legislative session and is subject to legislative budget approval.


Positions are evaluated and classified based on seven factors:

  • Nature and complexity of work
  • Supervisory responsibility
  • Scope of responsibility or consequence of error
  • Independence
  • Authority to take action
  • Personal contacts
  • Variety and degree of knowledge, skills and abilities required


If analysis shows that reclassification is warranted, an incumbent must meet the minimum qualifications for the new class.  If the incumbent meets the qualifications, the position is reclassified and the incumbent is given the appropriate salary increase.

If the incumbent does not meet the minimum qualifications established for the different class or class level, the position will not be reclassified and the higher-level duties must be removed. 


If an agency or employee does not agree with a classification decision, the agency or employee may file a written appeal with the Administrator of the Division of Human Resource Management within 30 days of the date of receipt of written notice of the action.

The Administrator will issue a decision on the appeal within 30 days after receiving the appeal unless prohibited by the number of appeals resulting from a classification study or an agreement (with the agency or employee) to extend the time for a decision.

An agency or employee may appeal in writing the Administrator's decision to the Human Resource Commission within 30 days after receipt of written notice of the Administrator's decision.