HR Reference Guide


As of July 1, 2021, some State employees are covered under Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), see the Division of Human Resource Management, Labor Relations Unit page for more information.  If you are in a job classification currently covered under a CBA, some of the terms and benefits of your employment may be different than the provisions outlined on this page. Please consult your CBA or agency's human resource for further information.


A survey is used to gather information from an employee, voluntarily leaving State service or transferring to another State agency, on his or her experience in an agency and the employee's reason for leaving.

Exit survey information can lead to improved selection, training, employee relations practices and higher employee retention rates.

Click on the below headings for more information on this topic


An employee who is leaving State service voluntarily or is transferring to another agency can be directed to the Division of Human Resource Management's website for the link to the online survey or a paper version.

If the employee indicates that he or she is leaving due to an alleged illegal (e.g., discriminatory) incident, report that allegation to the appropriate authority immediately.  If you are unsure who the appropriate authority to report it to is, contact your agency's human resources for assistance.