The Compensation unit is responsible for maintaining and distributing the compensation schedules; conducting wage and benefit surveys; developing pay policies in compliance with federal and State requirements; and participating in the Merit Award Board. This unit provides regulation consultation on compensation issues, and ensures that Accelerated Salary Requests (NPD-4) or Temporary Adjustment to Salary (NPD-5) requests comply with respective requirements established per NAC 284.
The Classification unit is responsible for classifying existing and new positions within the current classification plan; conducting occupational studies, class specification maintenance reviews and individual classification studies requiring new or revised class specifications; and maintaining and distributing the Classification and Compensation Plan.
This unit is responsible for developing and managing recruitment strategies and processes; examination development and strategies; and succession planning/workforce planning strategies. The unit also oversees the layoff process (in the event they occur) including providing state training, gathering statistics and providing information for affected agencies and employees.
Layoff information has been compiled to assist employees that have been affected by layoff in order to help them understand what has happened and how they can exercise their reemployment rights.
700-Hour Program
The 700 Hour program allows agencies to offer temporary limited appointments to persons with disabilities.
In order to assist persons with disabilities certified by the Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, appointing authorities are encouraged and authorized to make temporary limited appointments of certified persons with disabilities for a period not to exceed 700 hours notwithstanding that the positions so filled are continuing positions. A person with a disability who is certified by the Rehabilitation Division must be placed on the appropriate list for which the person is eligible. Each such person must possess the training and experience necessary for the position for which the person is certified.
When an individual's name is placed on the eligible list as a 700 hour candidate, agencies must interview and hire him/her on a temporary limited appointment of 700 hours if the individual can perform the essential functions of the position. Temporary appointments may not occur if there is an actual conflict of interest between the individual and the hiring agency. At the end of this appointment, if the applicant's performance is satisfactory, he/she may continue in the position as a regular probationary employee with 700 hours counting towards their probationary period.
Additional Resources
The following resources and information are available to you: