Human Resource Management is organized into Sections that provide services to state employees, agencies and the general public.
Agency Human Resource Services
Agency Human Resource Services (AHRS) provides a full range of human resource (HR) services for 48 departments and divisions. AHRS’s primary purpose is to provide direct HR service to employees and managers within the departments and divisions served.
Central Payroll
Provide timely and accurate payroll service to all Executive Branch (excluding Nevada System of Higher Education) and Judicial Branch employees in a professional manner.
Central Records
Verifies and maintains official service records for all active and inactive executive and judicial branch employees except for Nevada Systems of Higher Education.
Classification and Compensation
The Classification and Compensation section is responsible for developing and managing a variety of activities including compensation regulation consultation; wage and benefit surveys; Merit Award Board activities; position classification; class specification development, revision and maintenance; and distribution of the Classification and Compensation Plan.
The Recruitment section is responsible for developing and managing a variety of activities including recruitment activities; layoff consultation; examination development; strategic/workforce planning strategies; and NV Apps Training.
Consultation, Accountability & Regulations
The Consultation, Accountability & Regulations unit of Human Resource Management is responsible for providing expert consultation to employees, employee representatives, agency representatives, and agency management regarding performance management, leave and attendance, employee grievances, the Employee Assistance Program, the American's with Disabilities Act, the Alcohol and Drug Program, Exit Survey and other related topics.
EEO & Sex- or Gender-Based Harassment and Discrimination Investigation Unit (SGHIU)
The Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Office is to promote fairness and equality in State service by program implementation and monitoring of the State´s Equal Employment Opportunity plans, policies, processes and practices. The mission of the SGHIU is to conduct prompt, independent investigations of all allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination, as defined by state and federal law, in order to reduce costs associated with settlements and court decisions against the State.
Office of Employee Development
The Office of Employee Development (OED) provides statewide training, development and consultation services to employees and State agencies, enabling them to increase efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and customer satisfaction.