FAQs Nevada Certified Public Manager Program (NVCPM)

The following Frequently Asked Questions are available. By clicking on the link you will find the answer.

General Questions

1. Who may participate in the Nevada Certified Public Manager (NVCPM) Program?

The NVCPM Program is open to all State, tribal, federal, county and municipal government employees who meet at least one of the following criteria: 

  • Currently manage or supervise professional staff; 
  • Hold a mid-level supervisory or managerial position responsible for providing technical or professional support; or as space permits
  • Non-supervisors identified by Agency Directors as having exceptional potential for advancement into management and leadership positions in the near-term.


2. How does one get selected for the NVCPM Program?

Interested public sector employees must complete the application form on the NVCPM website, which includes getting the written approval of their supervisors and agency directors. Applications are then submitted by the agency director or his/her designee to the NVCPM Program staff. Applications received directly by the applicant will be returned for resubmission by the agency director. The Program Administrator may conduct interviews as part of the selection process. Agency directors' recommendations will be the major - but not the only - factor in the final selection decisions.

3. The NVCPM Program is "nationally-accredited." What does this mean?

The State of Nevada is an accredited member of the National Certified Public Manager© Consortium. The State's program has remained in good standing since its initial accreditation in 2005 and has most recently been reaccredited in 2021. Nevada is one of approximately 40 states and governmental entities designated as accredited and associate members of the National Consortium. As an accredited member of the national consortium, the Nevada program must follow certain standards regarding core curriculum content, number of classroom instructional hours, types of learning experiences, and a commitment to assessing participants' skill and professional growth.

4. What are the requirements for the NVCPM Program?

The NVCPM Program is demanding and requires participants to demonstrate: a) an openness to developing professionally and growing personally; b) the ability to prioritize multiple responsibilities and competing priorities; c) the skill to maintain diverse working relationships; and d) a commitment to public service and to improving government services and outcomes.

5. What does it cost to participate in the NVCPM Program?

The Division of Human Resource Management will fund the instructional costs for a maximum of 40 participants from State agencies. For these participants there will be no tuition fees, including books and instructional materials. However, any additional costs (such as participant travel) will be the responsibility of the participant’s agency. Non-State government employees will be required to pay $500 for professional services and materials as well as the additional travel costs mentioned above.

6. How long do I have to complete the program?

Participants are expected to complete the program as a group within the 18-month calendar period for their class. Occasionally, circumstances require a participant to suspend current class participation. Participants who do so, may re-enroll in the following year's class to complete the program. Withdrawal requests are evaluated individually based on need and circumstances. Every effort is made to support participants to successfully complete the program and receive their CPM designation.

7. What happens if I fall behind in completing the required coursework assignments?

All participants must be current with their Phase I assignments in order to participate in the Phase II classes.

8. Can a participant apply previous training to core courses?

The NVCPM Program does not allow curriculum substitution in order to meet the accreditation requirements of the National CPM Consortium.

9. Who administers the NVCPM Program?

The Office of Employee Development in the Division of Human Resource Management is responsible for program development and administration, including policies and procedures, approval of curriculum and instructors, scheduling of classes, registration of participants, and maintenance of records.

10. Why should I enroll in the NVCPM Program?

The NVCPM Program offers public sector professionals a significant career development experience that will enhance their leadership capabilities as well as their administrative, managerial, analytical and interpersonal skills. Public sector organizations benefit from having Program graduates who can function as highly-skilled managers in situations of increasing complexity, and ones which often require multi-disciplinary and multi-jurisdictional responses.


In addition, Memorandum HR#61-18 states: "Graduation from the NVCPM Program is equivalent to one (1) year toward the minimum education qualifications or one (1) year of supervisory/managerial experience required for a State position."

11. Where will the NVCPM training be offered? Who will teach?

The NVCPM Program is offered as cohorts in both Carson City (State Library and Archives Building) and Las Vegas (the Eureka Building), generally at the Office of Employee Development training facilities. All classes, with a few exceptions, are in-person.


Instructors for the NVCPM Program include State of Nevada Office of Employee Development staff, colleagues from other State agencies, and UNLV faculty.

12. What if a participant changes organizations after becoming a NVCPM participant?

If a participant changes agencies while enrolled in the NVCPM program, he/she is eligible to continue in the program and is encouraged to do so. Continued participation must be approved by the new agency.

13. What is the cancellation policy or withdrawal policy?

If an accepted applicant chooses not to attend the NVCPM Program, he/she must submit a written cancellation which has been approved by the agency Director to the Office of Employee Development ten (10) business days prior to the initial classroom session. Cancellations are costly to the participant, his/her organization and the program. All cancellations should be submitted as early as possible, so that substitutions can possibly be made. If a participant wishes to withdraw after the start of the Program, agency Director written approval is required. In the event a participant withdraws with the intention of returning to complete the Program, the participant must return to the Program with the next available scheduled cohort in order to retain any previously earned attendance credit.

14. What happens if I miss a course?

Missed classroom instruction can be made up by attending that same course in the other location provided that the other location has not yet completed the same course. For example, if you plan to attend a course in Carson City in September and miss it, you could make-up the class because the same course will be offered in Las Vegas in October. All costs for travel to attend a class in the other location is the responsibility of the participant and his/her agency.

15. Do the NVCPM program documents, examinations and coursework become a part of my official personnel file?

All participants have the right to expect privacy and protection of their information and work. Participant information and work products will not be shared with any person(s) from any agency. All work products become the property of the CPM program. The Office of Employee Development maintains records on participants in the NVCPM Program. These records are not part of the participant’s official personnel file and are used only in relation to the NVCPM Program. Files are kept in a secure location with access restricted to the NVCPM Program Administrator. Documents will be retained and archived based on the State Records and Archives document retention schedule.

16. Is there a Program graduation?

A graduation ceremony in Carson City is held at the end of each Program class to celebrate completion and to award the CPM designation. Typically this occurs in the following spring. Participants successfully completing all Program requirements are expected to participate. In the case of extraordinary or extenuating circumstances, an exception may be made at the discretion of the NVCPM Program Administrator. If you are not able to meet the requirements to graduate with your class, you will not be allowed to participate in the ceremony. However, if you satisfy all the certification requirements at a later date, you will be allowed to graduate with a later cohort. Any travel costs associated with attending the graduation ceremony is the responsibility of the participant and his/her agency.