HR Reference Guide


As of July 1, 2021, some State employees are covered under Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBA), see the Division of Human Resource Management, Labor Relations Unit page for more information.  If you are in a job classification currently covered under a CBA, some of the terms and benefits of your employment may be different than the provisions outlined on this page. Please consult your CBA or agency's human resource for further information.

Surveillance/Workplace Searches


Electronic surveillance without the knowledge of the person(s) being observed on the grounds of any facility owned or leased by the State is prohibited except in certain circumstances.  Contact your appointing authority prior to initiating surveillance.


Public sector employees potentially have privacy rights in the workplace under federal law not held by private sector employees.  Management and, if applicable, legal counsel should be consulted prior to a workplace search.

Click on below heading for more information on this topic


  • Nevada Revised Statutes
  • Your agency's human resource staff