Program Eligibility


Candidates for the Nevada Certified Public Manager Program must be employed by the State of Nevada, county, municipal, federal, or tribal governments and meet one of the following criteria:
1. Currently manage or supervise professional staff;
2. Hold a mid-level supervisory or managerial position responsible for providing technical or professional support; OR as space permits;
3. Non-supervisors identified by Agency Directors as having exceptional potential for advancement into management and leadership positions in the near-term.

The NVCPM Program is demanding and requires participants to demonstrate:
◾An openness to developing professionally and growing personally;
◾The ability to prioritize multiple responsibilities and competing priorities;
◾The skill to maintain diverse working relationships; and
◾A commitment to public service and to improving government services and outcomes.

Successful participants are high achievers in their respective fields and have support of their management. Applicants should demonstrate a high degree of critical thinking and analytical skills, reading comprehension, and written and oral communication capabilities.

It is critical for employees and employers to understand the importance of commitment to the Program. Before committing to the Program, applicants and their supervisors should consider that the Program is rigorous in scope and not considered to be “entry level.”