Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I make an appointment?
Either by calling the toll free number 888-319-8282 (Hearing impaired, use 711) or online at using the company code: nevada.

    Who provides the assistance?
    The employee assistance program is currently provided by the State of Nevada through a contract with Acentra Health. The dedicated 800 number listed above will always be answered by a live person 24/7. The person who answers will have a background in social work or psychology and will be skilled at helping assess your situation. If selecting to access the EAP counseling, the clinician will refer you to a local counselor in your area. Counselors are identified based on criteria that you specify, whether you want a man or woman, someone that speaks a certain language, or someone who has experience in a particular topic. Once you are provided the information for a counselor in your area, it is your responsibility to call and make an appointment. If you are seeking other services you will be connected with staff in the appropriate area.

      Who can use the EAP?
      Qualifying employees are current State executive branch agency (excluding those employed by the Nevada System of Higher Education), judicial branch (Administrative Office of the Court) and legislative branch employees. Eligible dependents are any individual living full-time or part-time in the same household as a qualifying employee. A dependent does not have to be biologically or legally related to the eligible employee.

        Why is the State of Nevada providing these resources?
        The State of Nevada recognizes that employees’ and their family’s personal concerns may impact their work life. The intent is to provide services to assist employees in addressing issues to prevent a negative impact in an employee’s life and in the workplace.

          How much does it cost?
          There are no co-payments, deductibles or co-insurance payments for the covered services and you will not be liable to a provider for any fees covered by the EAP. If additional professional help is recommended by the counselor, there may be a cost for that service. Many professional services are covered either partially or totally by health insurance. If an issue requires more than the covered four (4) sessions or is an ongoing issue, you would be referred to long term counseling and Acentra Health would help you move into your health insurance; however, any portion of the ongoing counseling beyond the four (4) sessions would be your financial responsibility.

            What days and hours can I call?
            You can call any time, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

              Do I have to use my own accrued leave to attend an appointment?
              Eligible employees may use administrative leave for up to two appointments, see NAC 284.589.

                What do I tell my supervisor about where I am during any EAP appointments?
                It is up to you to decide what to tell your supervisor. You may say that you have a medical appointment or an appointment to take care of a personal matter. However, if you wish to use administrative leave for your appointment you will need to reference the EAP when speaking to your supervisor.

                  Is contacting the EAP confidential?
                  Yes, the program is strictly confidential. No information will be released without your written consent except in cases required by law, such as imminent danger to self or others.  Because this is an employer paid benefit, the vendor will share with the State of Nevada whether employees are actually using the program. Acentra Health only provides the State with a utilization report that includes very broad information on why people are calling, how many people called, and limited demographic information.

                    Do I need my agency’s approval to contact the employee assistance program?
                    No, you do not need your agency’s approval to contact the employee assistance program.

                      Can my agency require me to contact the employee assistance program?
                      Generally no, as the EAP is a voluntary program. A supervisor/manager or human resource representative may remind an employee of the available benefits through the employee assistance program. The only circumstance under which your agency may require you to attend an appointment is when it is statutorily required due to a drug and/or alcohol offense (see the State of Nevada Drug and Alcohol Program).

                        What if another problem comes up after this one is solved?
                        There is no limit to the number of times you can call the EAP with a new problem. You are only limited to four (4) free sessions for any one problem in one year.

                          What is Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)?
                          A critical incident can occur in organizations of any size and result from incidents such as natural disasters, criminal acts or employee death. The purpose of Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is to reduce long-term psychological effects of a traumatic event. If not addressed, symptoms such as distress, concentration difficulties and a sense of dread can lead to a decrease in morale, productivity and ultimately increased turnover. Following a critical incident, CISM clinicians can provide on-site direct support sessions or debriefings that move employees through a series of discussions to help them work through the trauma, teaching coping mechanisms and strategies. CISM is most successful when debriefings are held one to three days following an event with groups no larger than 20 with employees grouped by direct and indirect impact in relation to the event. It is also recommended to offer the options of a group debriefing and/or individual counseling.

                            Does the EAP provide consultation services to supervisors and managers?
                            The EAP can provide consultation services in regards to the EAP services offered, what resources are available or to discuss an employee related matter. Additionally, performance and behaviorial issues consultation is available through Human Resources Management Consultation and Accountability Unit.

                              Who should an individual or agency contact if there are problems with the State's contracted vendor?
                              The State's contact for questions, concerns and problems related to the EAP is Human Resource Management's EAP Coordinator at (775) 684-0111 or  However, the State's EAP Coordinator does not provide EAP services; the State's EAP benefit is accessed through Acentra Health.