Tips for Hiring Managers

Opening a Recruitment

  • Please ensure the following information is correct:
    • Position Control # (PCN).
    • Type of recruitment (open to all or restricted to some).
    • Whether the position requires driving a state vehicle.
    • Whether a pre-employment drug test is required.
    • If any specific licensure is required per the job classification.
    • The type of schedule worked (hyperlinks included on the RTF).



    • Any persons on the certified list identified as disabled veterans, MUST be invited to interview (NRS 284.265).
    • If there are identified qualified veterans without a service-connected disability, you MUST invite to interview a number of veterans equal to at least 22% of the total number of qualified applicants interviewed for the position.
      • If there is not a sufficient number to reach that percentage, you must interview ALL veterans on the list.
      • Always round up in your calculation.
    • You MUST attempt to contact at least 5 candidates from a list of 5 or more, or ALL candidates from a list of less than 5 (NAC 284.361(7)).
          NOTE: If after contacting at least 5 candidates and completing interviews, you have not selected     anyone, you must continue to contact candidates on the list until it is exhausted.
    • Lists are viable for 30 days of issuance. The candidate coding process must begin within 30 calendar days of list issuance to keep it active. Please ensure that you start your list coding right away. If no progress is made within this timeframe, the list will be deactivated.
    • It is best practice to contact applicants by their preferred contact method as listed at the top of their application.
    • You may consider a candidate not interested if they do not respond:
      • Two days after an email was sent;
      • 24 hours after a telephone conversation; or
      • Two days after a voicemail message was left (NAC 284.373).  
    • If a priority list is provided, you MUST thoroughly describe the essential functions of the position and make an offer if the candidate is interested (NRS 284.327 & NAC 284.364).
      • The individual must be able to perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation.
      • If the candidate declines, it must be documented and/or coded in NEATS prior to the issuance of another list.
      • Once you have coded the list, please contact your assigned agency HR representative for further assistance and for notification to DETR.   


      • Have each candidate sign  the  Essential Functions and Physical & Cognitive Characteristics at the time of interview.
      • Interview Panels must consist of at least 3 members from diverse backgrounds. A diverse panel can include members of different genders, races, ages, nationalities, and/or abilities.  Panel members should hold titles and grades higher than the position being interviewed. 
      • Interviews must be structured; ask each candidate the same set of questions, in the same way, and in the same order every time.
      • Questions should be based on the position's Essential Functions and Work Performance Standards.
      • All responses MUST be documented, with the panel's notes regarding the selected candidate submitted to your agency HR representative along with the closing paperwork.
      • Prepare an interview introductory statement to introduce the panel members, provide a brief overview of your organization, and briefly describe the position.
      • Prepare an interview closing statement thanking the candidate, asking if they have any questions and letting them know when to expect a decision.
      • Conduct a post-interview debrief with the panel after completing the interviews. Ask each panel member to provide feedback based on the candidate's hard and soft skills.


        • If planning to make an offer to a current or previous State employee, send an email to for a jacket request.
        • If making an offer to an external candidate, conduct reference checks.
        • If the employee is coming from NSHE, PERS, the Supreme Court, or LCB, please let your agency HR representative know.
        • Ensure the candidate list is fully coded in NEATS. The list MUST be finalized before a candidate can be onboarded.
        • Before drafting an offer letter for agency HR review, please be cognizant of upcoming Orientation Dates for new hires.
        • Submit to your agency HR representative an email including:  
        • If an accelerated rate request is being submitted, the following must be completed and submitted to your agency HR representative PRIOR to an offer being made:
          • NPD-04
          • NPD-04B
          • Memo to the DHRM Administrator justifying the request.
          • Salary projections from your fiscal officer.


          • Be sure to have the work station prepared for the employee’s first day.
          • Up to one week prior to the employee’s start date, the employee can be “Onboarded” using OCIO’s Service Portal which will create their email, establish their phone line, etc. This portal also contains links for both “Service Desk” and “HR Helpdesk” items.
          • Be sure to remind the employee to complete their mandatory training in NVeLearn, as well as any other training which may be required for them to obtain full access within the agency’s systems.
          • Contact lists and organizational charts will also need to be updated with the new employees’ information.

            Auto-Progressing an Underfill (NAC 284.4375) 

            To progress an employee to the authorized grade of their position or next title in the class series, the following is required to be sent to your HR Business Partner:

            1. An updated resume or applicant profile showing the employee meets minimum qualifications.
            2. The most recent performance evaluation showing the employee meets standards.
            3. An email or memorandum showing approval by the appointing authority.
            • NAC 284.172 governing an employee’s pay upon promotion will apply.
            • If the employee had attained permanent status in the class, they retain that status in the new class.
            • If the employee had not attained permanent status in the class, they must remain in probationary status until completing the remaining portion of the probationary period.

              Additional Resources