Consultation, Accountability and Regulations
Consultation, Accountability and Regulations
The Consultation, Accountability and Regulations unit is responsible for providing expert consultation to employees, employee representatives, agency representatives, and agency management in the following areas:
Alcohol and Drug Program |
Grievance Process |
Americans with Disabilities Act |
Grievance Resolution Conferences |
Appeal Hearings |
Leave and Attendance Issues |
Catastrophic Leave Appeals |
Performance Management |
Employee Assistance Program |
Progressive Discipline Process |
Employee Evaluations |
Regulation Making Process |
Employee Relations |
Whistleblower Retaliation |
Exit Surveys |
Work Performance Standards |
Family and Medical Leave Act |
Employee Assistance Resources (EAP)
Consultation, Accountability and Regulations
515 E. Musser St.,
Suite 101
Carson City, NV 89701
(775) 684-0131
Fax (775) 687-9085
Contact List